Frieser M, Schaber S, Strobel D, Bernatik T, Wehr H, Peters A, Hahn EG, Hänsler J.
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Hänsler J, Frieser M, Tietz V, Uhlke D, Wissniowski T, Bernatik T, Hothorn T, Hahn EG, Strobel D.
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Hänsler J, Wissniowski TT, Schuppan D, Witte A, Bernatik T, Hahn EG, Strobel D
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Frieser M, Schaber S, Peters A, Bernatik T, Haendl T, Hahn EG, Strobel D, Hänsler J.
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Strobel D, Kleinecke C, Hänsler J, Frieser M, Handl T, Hahn EG, Bernatik T.
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Frieser M, Hänsler J, Schaber S, Peters A, Mohelsky E, Bernatik T, Hahn EG, Strobel D.
Radiofrequency ablation of liver tumors: how to enlarge the necrotic zones?
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Bernatik T, Becker D, Neureiter D, Hänsler J, Frieser M, Schaber S, Wein A, Hahn EG, Strobel D.
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Hänsler J, Neureiter D, Wasserburger M, Janka R, Bernatik T, Schneider T, Muller W, Frieser M, Schaber S, Becker D, Hahn EG, Strobel D.
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Wissniowski TT, Hänsler J, Neureiter D, Frieser M, Schaber S, Esslinger B, Voll R, Strobel D, Hahn EG, Schuppan D.
Activation of tumor-specific T lymphocytes by radio-frequency ablation of the VX2 hepatoma in rabbits.
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Bernatik T, Becker D, Neureiter D, Hänsler J, Frieser M, Schaber S, Hahn EG, Strobel D.
Detection of liver metastases--comparison of contrast--enhanced ultrasound using first versus second generation contrast agents
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Hänsler J, Frieser M, Schaber S, Kutschall C, Bernatik T, Muller W, Becker D, Hahn EG, Strobel D.
Radiofrequency ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma with a saline solution perfusion device: a pilot study.
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